Medicare Enrollment

Enrolling in Medicare is relatively simple. By contacting your local Social Security office, you can receive the necessary paperwork to enroll. You can also find the correct applications at, Social Security’s website, or by calling Medicare directly for guidance at 1-800-MEDICARE.

When to Enroll

There are multiple enrollment periods throughout the year. When you first become eligible, you have an Initial Enrollment Period beginning three months before the month you turn 65. This extends until three months after your birthday month, for a total of seven months. 

Special Enrollment Periods are available for those that meet certain eligibility requirements. If you or your spouse are working when you turn 65 and you have health coverage through the employer, you can delay enrollment until your coverage or your employment ends. A Special Enrollment Period is also available for people moving out of their plan’s coverage area or losing their coverage. This enrollment period lasts for eight months.

In a calendar year, the first enrollment period is from January 1 to March 31. This is called the General Enrollment Period for those enrolling in Medicare after having missed their Initial Enrollment Period or Special Enrollment Period. 

From October 15 to December 7 is the Open Enrollment Period. This is when individuals can change their Medicare plans by switching to or from a Medicare Advantage plan. They can also switch Part D Plans or enroll in one.

Enrolling in a Medicare Supplement plan is similar to Initial Enrollment. You are eligible to enroll in a Medicare Supplement plan as soon as you are 65 and enrolled in Medicare Part B. From that time, you have six months to enroll in a supplement plan. 

Keeping track of the enrollment periods and associated rules can be a challenge. For all of your Medicare questions, consult the agents of Swisher Insurance.

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